news / personal


I have not been updating this blog much, have I? There are reasons for this.

For most of the last few weeks of December and a good portion of January, I have been working on my grad school applications for the MFA and MAA programs in Concordia University, University of British Columbia, and Emily Carr University of Art and Design. Some other things happened after all of that – mostly full-time work, a boatload of doctor’s appointments, an MRI… the latter, all health-related issues from the near-fatal car accident a year ago.

The craziness is not about to die off soon, at least, not yet. Sadly, even my art-making has been put to a halt. I rely on instant networking sites like Instagram to get my creative fixes; I would have probably gone off the deep-end otherwise. To quell my anxiety over my lack of creating, I have been reading up on artists like Frida Kahlo, who, only just recently, entered my realm of fancy (even after having been exposed to her work years ago). I have also been reading up on Hiroshi Sugimoto, Jeff Wall, Michael Wesely, and Robert Hughes’ Shock of the New in hopes that these will all break my temporary artistic ‘block’, but alas, life gets in the way. Buy this car to drive to work, drive to work to pay for this car – that sort of thing.

In the risk of sounding a bit too depressing, I shall end here, with a friendly, “Hello! I’m still alive!” sort of nod to send some of my non-existent viewers off.

I took these self-portraits yesterday – a quick little exercise to see if I still have the ability to take photographs. It may not be much, but it is a start.

And why yes, I like to dress like an old grandpa once in a while… although someone actually said I look like a cowgirl more than anything. Pfft, what do they know? Sometimes, I like to dress like I am from a different time… I feel like I had been born in the wrong era. I really should have spent my 20’s in the 60’s… but that’s another tale for another time.


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